Tap Single-Subject Advisors to Recruit Candidates

Description of Strategy

One strategy that we will be testing out is having each of our single-subject advisors across campus hold a joint orientation for recruiting students into the credential program.

One of our single-subject advisors does this in his department but limits his orientation to explaining what courses students in his area need to do to get their subject-matter waiver or required coursework to qualify for the credential. We're going to have him share with the other advisors what he does, so they can hold their own orientations in their respective departments. But in addition, we will have our single-subject program coordinator and our new recruitment/outreach staff person, whom we expect to hire soon, also attend each of those meetings to provide information about getting into the credential program. In this way, I’m hoping that we will be able to target the students who are interested.  (Cal Poly Pomona)

Strategy Population

Strategy Type


Strategy Created: 04/26/2024
Submitted by: Submitted by (name) Jann Pataray-Ching