Monthly Get-Togethers

Description of Strategy

​Fresno State holds monthly get-togethers for undergraduate students interested in becoming teachers. Each monthly event includes a guest speaker on topics like professional experiences, applying for a teaching job, working in a small neighborhood school, how to become a substitute teacher, and more. Community-building activities are important, such as team building on the Fresno State ropes course, escape room, pot luck luncheon, and others. Important program updates are shared. Attendance can be tracked using a simple tracking system like a QR code or card swipe. Participants can earn Fresno State EduCorps swag for regular attendance. Each event will have a special food theme, like Root Beer Float, Build Your Own Ice Cream Sundae, Pizza, Taco Time, and many more!

Strategy Population

Strategy Type


Strategy Created: 10/19/2024
Submitted by: Submitted by (name) Fred Nelson