School of Education Mentors

Description of Strategy

A team of faculty in the School of Education serves as mentors to enrolled who have signed up for the "Be A Teacher" (BAT) pathway. These faculty identify students by their subject area and pair them with a mentor. Math education and science education faculty serve as mentors to all those who identify as prospective STEM teachers. The mentors meet with their mentees formally at least two times each semester and in other informal settings.  We also partner with local schools to establish clubs that target candidates for teaching during high school. CSUSM is also partnering with Project Tomorrow’s Educators Rising and YouthTeach2Learn, which encourages career exploration and has increased the number of students entering the teacher pipeline. MSTI and TRP funds are used to pay stipends to CSU San Marcos education students to serve as teaching assistants and mentors in a local Educators Rising California chapter. Small stipends are also given to teachers at the local schools to establish and coordinate the chapter activities.

Strategy Population

Strategy Type


Strategy Created: 04/13/2024
Submitted by: Submitted by (name) CSU San Marcos