Colette Rabin
Colette Rabin teaches in the joint credential/Masters's teacher preparation program at San José State University. She teaches educational foundations, research methods, classroom management, health, special education, and student teaching practicum courses. Prior to teaching graduate school, she taught grades kindergarten through middle school for twelve years. Her research interests are in care ethics, social justice, co-teaching, sustainability, and social and emotional learning. Colette has explored the nature of relationships in schools from multiple perspectives and how to create and sustain them from the perspective of an ethic of care as a conceptual schema. Recent publications include, “Co-Teaching: Collaborative and Caring Teacher Preparation,” in the Journal of Teacher Education, “Social Studies from a Care Ethics Perspective in an Elementary Classroom in Social Studies Research and Practice,” and “Don’t Throw the Rocks: Cultivating Care with a Pedagogy called Rocks-in-the-Basket” in the Journal of Research in Childhood Education.