Professor Nominations of Promising Teaching Candidates

Description of Strategy

This strategy has proved to be highly effective at several CSU campuses. At the first event at CSUS in 2016, professors nominated close to 300 undergraduates. Each of the students received a congratulatory email (for being nominated) and an invitation to a Celebration of Teaching event. Over 200 student nominees (90% of whom were students of color) attended the event and 98% said they will probably or definitely pursue teaching as a career afterward.

A Guide to planning this kind of campaign is attached.  If you are interested in using this strategy, contact Ken Futernick for assistance and further details. 

A documentary about CSUS's Celebration of Teaching event and the professor nomination strategy is available on the EduCorps website.

Strategy Population

Strategy Type


Strategy Created: 04/13/2024
Submitted by: Submitted by (name) Ken Futernick